Last Thursday I continued to feel palpitations in my chest and dizziness, so I felt impressed to go into the ER yet again. The thought came to me that I might have a pulmonary embolism.
The hospital decided to admit me due to my abnormal EKG. They wanted to perform a stress test on me. It was pretty scary when they rolled me down to nuclear medicine, and injected me with a radioactive contrast. The test came back negative, and the cardiologist saw nothing that he thought I should be concerned with.
I then had a CT scan. I didn't want to do it, but with my recent surgery and symptoms, I thought it would be best. That was really scary! They injected me with another contrast that goes throughout your lungs, and then took pics that are equal to about 100 chest x-rays. When they injected the medicine in me, I felt a warmth rush through my whole chest and even down to my bladder. Yikes!
That came back negative.
They performed an ultrasound on my legs, and found a small blood clot in my superficial veins. The doctor said it was probably a result from my surgery. I now have to take a baby aspirin every day, but he said I shouldn't worry about it.
They also found out my potassium level was low, which can cause your heart to have an irregular heart beat. Interesting. They gave me the biggest potassium horse pills ever, I'm talking big, like an inch and a half long! I could barely get them down. I've been feeling much better since I've been eating a banana a day! I sure hope that's all it is!
Needless to say, during my stay, my feelings of strong *dislike* for hospitals have increased exponentially and my love for my family grew to new heights! It's great to be home!